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金融解决方案实验室启动五年竞赛,以支持工作场所金融健康技术解决方案,作为Multiyear的一部分, $30 Million Initiative


October 10, 2018 (NEW YORK) -今天,金融解决方案实验室(FinLab)与创始合作伙伴澳博官方网站app在金融服务创新中心(CFSI)成立 & Co. officially launched its Fifth Annual Challenge (Challenge), 专注于确定员工财务健康解决方案,为员工和雇主服务, 并且可以满足美国劳动力多样化的需求,重点关注中低收入(LMI)工人.

Over the course of the program, FinLab将帮助增强和收集财务健康解决方案在工作场所发挥作用的关键证据, 提高对工作场所财务健康计划的认识,并制定利用技术促进工作场所财务健康的最佳做法.

A recent PwC survey 研究发现,近一半(47%)的员工称自己承受着经济压力. 这不仅给员工带来了个人挑战,也影响了他们的工作效率. A Financial Finesse report 研究发现,财务健康水平较低的员工每年旷工会给雇主造成高达198美元的损失, payroll taxes, and more. As a result, 雇主越来越多地寻求为员工提供更强大的工作场所财务健康服务.

“就像身体健康和健康饮食一样,近年来一直是人力资源的重点, 为员工建立一个经过验证的、有效的财务健康计划生态系统,将定义未来成功的工作场所,” said Garry Reeder, VP of innovation and policy at CFSI. “实验室将专注于创建可复制的最佳实践,以推广和衡量这些项目的成功,同时帮助改进挑战获胜者的个人产品.”

传统的职场财务健康工具主要关注退休福利. 今天的雇主正在寻求提供更广泛的服务,以满足员工多样化的财务需求, including short-term savings programs, income smoothing and instant pay tools, small dollar loans, student loan repayment assistance, and more.

“As a large employer, JPMorgan Chase knows first-hand that prioritizing employees’ financial, 精神和身体健康是帮助他们每天以最佳状态工作的关键组成部分,” said Robin Leopold, head of Human Resources for JPMorgan Chase. “It’s good for our employees and it’s good for business.”

今年的挑战将侧重于确定有前景的创新,并帮助衡量其影响和绩效,以确保在不同的工作环境中有效使用. Currently, 由于缺乏对这些服务的有效性和对雇主底线的影响的明确性,这些服务无法得到更广泛的采用

“Over the past four years, 我们很高兴看到FinLab公司解决了超过2个国家的独特金融需求.8 million people in the U.S.,” said Janis Bowdler, president of the JPMorgan Chase Foundation. “我们很高兴能够找到满足服务不足的员工的金融科技解决方案,并帮助他们在工作和家庭中发挥潜力.”

Each winning organization will receive $125,000 in capital, 此外,还有来自ideas42和Google等行业领导者的专业服务协助, strategic guidance from the FinLab’s industry-leading advisory council, and resources from founding partners CFSI and JPMorgan Chase, including the JPMorgan Chase employee mentorship program.

Applying for the Challenge

有兴趣参加FinLab第五年课程的创新者现在可以在 http://app.reviewr.com/s1/site/WorkplaceFinancialHealthChallenge. 理想的参与者将与愿意分享信息的雇主合作,作为影响评估过程的一部分. The deadline to apply is November 9, 2018. Winners will be announced in mid-January 2019.

A History of Success

今年6月,FinLab推出了第四批金融科技创新者. FinLab公司代表了一大批以消费者为中心的金融科技公司, and inform the FinLab’s perspective on the developments in, and state of, the overall market.

To date, FinLab已支持34家金融科技公司提供创新金融产品.8 million Americans. FinLab公司总共筹集了超过3.4亿美元的资金.

About the Financial Solutions Lab
The Financial Solutions Lab is a $30 million, 由金融服务创新中心(CFSI)与实验室创始合作伙伴澳博官方网站app共同管理的五年计划 & Co. to identify, 测试和扩大有前途的创新的可用性,帮助美国人增加储蓄, improve credit, and build assets. FinLab推出了一系列竞赛,以确定针对特定消费者金融挑战的解决方案. It provides incentives for entrepreneurs, businesses, 非营利组织将加强金融产品和服务,应对这些挑战,改善消费者的财务健康. For more information, visit finlab.cfsinnovation.com.

About the Center for Financial Services Innovation (CFSI)
CFSI is the nation’s authority on consumer financial health. CFSI领导着一个由金融服务创新者组成的网络,致力于以更高质量的产品和服务建立一个更强大的金融服务市场. Through its Compass Principles and a lineup of proprietary research, insights and events, CFSI informs, advises, 并将其网络成员联系起来,为将改变金融服务格局的创新播下种子. For more on CFSI, go to cfsinnovation.com and follow on Twitter at @CFSInnovation.

About JPMorgan Chase
JPMorgan Chase & Co. (纽约证券交易所代码:JPM)是一家全球领先的金融服务公司.6 trillion and operations worldwide. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, commercial banking, financial transaction processing, and asset management. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, JPMorgan Chase & Co. 为美国和世界上许多最著名的公司的数百万客户提供服务, institutional and government clients under its J.P. Morgan and Chase brands. Information about JPMorgan Chase & Co. is available at 9u5n.7557561.com.

Media Contacts
Naomi Adams Bata,
Center for Financial Services Innovation (CFSI),

Amalia Kontesi,
JPMorgan Chase,