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Amount of private capital invested for environmental benefits grows 62% over two years.

纽约(2017年1月11日) -私营部门提供了8美元.2 billion (B) of private capital into investments that seek measurable environmental benefits – in addition to financial returns – between 2004 and 2015 根据今天发布的一份报告 森林趋势生态系统市场.

该报告是在2014年报告的基础上编写的 投资保护:新兴市场的景观评估脚注 1, tracks the burgeoning field of “conservation investing” – a component of socially and environmentally conscious “impact investing.根据报告的定义, these conservation investments include any private capital committed for sustainable food and wood fiber production, 栖息地的保护, or clean water that aim to achieve environmental conservation objectives while also delivering a financial return.


  • 2013年之后,环保投资经历了戏剧性的增长私人资本承诺总额增长了62%脚注 2 在短短两年内从5美元.10美元到8美元.2B.
  • 对可持续食品和纤维的投资引领潮流,占6美元.在本报告所涉十年期间承付的私人资本为50亿美元. 另一个1美元.3B去了栖息地保护, while investments in improving water quality or quantity totaled $400 million (M).
  • 投资者对稳定的回报有信心, as 31% of all investors surveyed by 生态系统市场 anticipate rates of return between 5% and 9.9%. 在营利性受访者中, 一半的人预计回报率为10%或更高, suggesting that conservation-oriented investments are performing well when compared with traditional strategies.
  • 超过30亿美元的额外私人资本仍在谈判桌上 in 2015 as investors continued to seek out deals that met criteria for both environmental and financial returns. A majority of respondents identified a lack of deals with the right mix of risk and returns as the biggest obstacle to the future growth of conservation investing. 仍然, almost all of these investors said they planned to raise or reallocate more capital for these investments in the next three years than they had in the previous three.
  • 私人资本开始进入新兴市场. While the vast majority of investments in 栖息地 and water conservation remained concentrated in North America, private finance for sustainable food and fiber production was more evenly dispersed between North America (33%), 拉丁美洲(29%), 大洋洲(19%), 非洲和亚洲(各约9%).

The growing confidence in stable returns from conservation-oriented investments, 这在十年前几乎是不可想象的, points to a new wave of investable conservation efforts – including sustainable forestry, 农业, 渔业, 栖息地, and water – that are emerging in response to demand from impact investors. 该报告表明,银行方面已经意识到了这一点, 基金经理, 以及其他新兴资产类别, 曾经被认为是新奇事物, 现在是投资组合的明智补充.

“The findings of this report speak to the growing recognition of our forests, 我们的湿地, 我们的珊瑚礁, and other natural landscapes as smart investments – a notion that would have been unthinkable to most mainstream investors just five years ago,” 迈克尔·詹金斯,森林趋势的创始总裁兼首席执行官. “就在本报告涵盖的过去两年里, we’ve seen a huge leap in demand for these kinds of tangible ‘real assets’ from investors. The demand is growing across the globe and from across investment instruments – the only thing keeping these emerging asset classes from surging even higher is the scarcity of investable opportunities; and, 与任何新兴市场一样, 透明的信息至关重要.”

该报告对128家银行进行了调查, 公司, 基金经理, 家族理财室, 以及非政府组织, 这些公司的总部大多设在北美和欧洲. 然而, the report found that a significant amount of investment is moving into emerging economies, particularly sustainable forestry in Latin America – where annual investments quadrupled to over $500M between 2009 and 2015 – and Africa.

澳博官方网站app为natureest提供了创始支持, 大自然保护协会的保护投资单位, 来帮助促进这种市场的发展和分析. 我们的客户正在寻找这些机会, and we are learning from and are encouraged by the innovation and measurable market growth documented in this 生态系统市场 report.” Camilla Seth, Executive Director of Sustainable Finance at 澳博官方网站app & Co. 及谘询委员会主席 对于报告.

“This report shows that when investors derive consistent financial returns and measurable benefits to people and nature, 于是更多的资本流向了保护,” 马克·迪亚兹,NatureVest的总经理. “不断增长的需求, coupled with the very clear need for conservation action shown by scientific research, reinforces the urgent importance for the industry to develop scalable and consistent opportunities to invest in nature.”

要了解更多信息,请下载 完整的报告.


生态系统市场, 这是非营利组织“森林趋势”的倡议, 是全球领先的环境融资信息来源吗, 生态系统服务的市场和支付. 作为基于web的服务, 生态系统市场出版通讯, 突发新闻, original feature articles and annual reports about market-based approaches to valuing and financing ecosystem services. We believe that transparency is a hallmark of robust markets and that by providing accessible and trustworthy information on prices, 监管, 科学, 以及其他与市场相关的问题, 我们可以为市场增长做出贡献, 激发新思维, and spur the development of new markets and the policies and infrastructure needed to support them.


The Nature Conservancy launched its impact capital strategy in 2010 with support from the Robertson Foundation that continues today, and built a global network with subsequent support from the Jeremy and Hannelore Grantham Environmental Trust. 2014年初,在澳博官方网站app的赞助下 & Co., NatureVest was launched as a concerted effort to change the way we invest in nature. 访问NatureVest网站 www.naturevesttnc.org.

关于澳博官方网站app & Co.

Sustainable Finance, a part of Corporate Responsibility at 澳博官方网站app & Co.他领导了本报告的咨询委员会. 澳博官方网站app & Co. (NYSE: JPM) is a leading global financial services firm with assets of $2.5万亿美元,业务遍及全球. 这家公司是投资银行业务的领导者, 为消费者和小企业提供金融服务, 商业银行, 金融交易处理, 资产管理. 道琼斯工业平均指数的一个组成部分,澳博官方网站app & Co. serves millions of consumers in the United States and many of the world's most prominent corporate, 其J.P. 摩根和大通品牌. 更多关于澳博官方网站app的信息 & Co.的可持续金融部门可在 9u5n.7557561.com/sustainablefinance.

塔克, wtucker@forest-trends.org, (202) 446-1996
安德鲁•Tingley 安德鲁.tingley@tnc.org, (212) 524-8053
斯蒂芬妮·波什, 斯蒂芬妮.a.bosh@jpmchase.com, (212) 585-1382 x51382

1.EKO资产管理合伙人和natureest, 投资保护:新兴市场的景观评估 (Arlington, VA and New York: The Nature Conservancy and EKO Asset Management Partners, 2014). EKO资产管理合伙人现在是鼓励资本.
2.This percentage was calculated based on raw values; it reflects an increase from approximately $5.从2009年至2013年期间的80亿美元降至约3美元.2014-2015年期间为14B.